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Blogs 'n' Stuff on SustainLane US City Rankings

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September 07, 2007


Ken O

Good! I'm glad that someone with balls and a pistol is finally outing climate highwaymen.

Now, for the oil+auto companies!! They, and housing developers, really ought to go the transit oriented development route to make their future loot...

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His office is compelling the county to inventory its total greenhouse gas emissions and to come up with a greenhouse gas reduction action plan for reducing emissions tied to new development, through a long-existing regulation known as the California Environmental Quality Act.

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A tropical cyclone - cyclone formed in the tropics - the atmospheric vortex with a low atmospheric pressure in the center. In contrast, extratropical cyclones, often paired with storm wind speeds. In the world every year there is about 80 tropical cyclones.
Hurricane Ivan. Photo taken from the ISS in September 2004.

In the Far East and South-East Asia, tropical cyclones are called typhoons and in North and South America - hurricanes (Spanish huracán, Eng. Hurricane), on behalf of the Indian wind god Huracan. It is considered that the storm turns into a hurricane with wind speeds over 120 km / h at a speed of 180 km / h hurricane is called a strong hurricane.

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Brown alluded to the California Environmental Quality Act being signed back in 1970 by then Governor Ronald Reagan and how last year Gov. Schwarzenegger signed AB 32 into law.

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In the Far East and South-East Asia, tropical cyclones are called typhoons and in North and

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Brown alluded to the California Environmental Quality Act being signed back in 1970 by then Governor Ronald Reagan and how last year Gov.

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And scientists concerned about climate change believe it will cause more drought in many areas in the future.

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Real good job by Jerry Brown, It's so good that we have people like him in California that cares so much about the environment!

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I saw last night that the port in CA (can't remember which one)made a board decision to cut their emissions and not let any more semi's in that don't have retrofits on their trucks to cut emissions. Cool!

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I saw last night that the port in CA (can't remember which one)made a board decision to cut their emissions and not let any more semi's in that don't have retrofits on their trucks to cut emissions. Cool!

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luck! Good for you.

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It's great to hear from you and see what you've been up to. In your blog I feel your enthusiasm for life. thank you.

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